The Cam Kashani Show
The Cam Kashani Show is redefining beauty, body and Self. The purpose and vision of this show is to help everyone feel beautiful, powerful, and enough. To heal the definition of beauty, body and Self that you currently have, to allow you to feel more empowered and self-aware, and as result, love yourself at an unwavering, unconditional, and unapologetic level. In this podcast, I break down societal conditioning and programming (i.e. lies) to help you build up the truth about yourSelf. If you want to learn how to love yourself more, while creating an empowered mindset that will help you thrive in all aspects of life, this is the show for you. I speak with vulnerability, authenticity and truth, to help inspire you, so you can elevate and become the best version of yourSelf.
25 episodes
How Healing Trauma can also Heal Physical Pain
In this episode, I speak with another beautiful, grounded soul I met in Peru: Lauren Mazukiewicz --> @queendalini on IG.Lauren is deeply embedded in the world of plant medicine, trauma he...
Season 3
Episode 2

Why Healing Trauma Is Essential to Becoming Your Best Self
Welcome to Season 3 of the Cam Kashani Show! Season 3 is going to be focused on women and our power and discovering the paths we take and the tools we use to become truly ourSelves. In this episode, I am thrilled to be joined by the...

From Tech & Startups to Healing & the Divine Masculine
Ravi and I met eons ago when we were both immersed in the world of tech and startup companies. Now, both Ravi and I have discovered different (but converging) paths. Ravi’s path has brought him to Thailand, where he has studied his spirituality...

From Emptiness and Wall Street to Fulfillment and Plant Medicine
You all have heard about my epic Sacred Voyage to Peru back in October, when I went on a plant medicine retreat that quite literally changed my life. I came back feeling calm, clear, and fully connected to my heart. (listen to the full episode ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Healing is a Lifelong Journey
Healing is a lifelong journey. I’ve been doing “the work”, as in “the inner work”, for more than 8 years, and it has been a rollercoaster. It’s been difficult, painful, terrifying, and exhausting, and I’ve wanted to pull my hair out...
Season 2
Episode 10

From Harvard To Spirituality & Plant Medicine (Interview)
*TW: Mention of suicideI have been so honored to share details of my journey through life on this podcast. Now, I feel inspired to begin sharing other peoples’ transformative journeys to hopefully inspire you upon your path. ...
Season 2
Episode 10

My Peruvian Plant Medicine Journey
As you know, I recently took a trip to Peru to embark on a Sacred voyage thanks to plant medicine. I have worked with plant medicine for about two years now, and it has been an immensely powerful part of my healing journey.
Season 2
Episode 9

Surrendering to the Unkown
I’m writing this to you from the Sacred Valley in Peru. I’m here for the next couple weeks to do some deep healing work, so you won’t be hearing from me for a few weeks. I’m here to let go of the old, and allow the new. To surrender to the unkn...
Season 2
Episode 8

How to Navigate & Grow in Hard Times
We are living in a very interesting and defining time in history. There’s massive division, separation, and darkness in the world right now, which is most likely going to get worse before it gets better, and it is very easy to get sucked into t...
Season 2
Episode 7

Powerful, Healing Inner Child Meditation to Connect with and Love on Your Little One <3
Inner child work has been supremely healing and life-changing for me. I have learned to love myself, built my own power, and healed from trauma that affected me for decades. Simply by connecting to, and loving on, my little one inside.Al...
Season 2
Episode 6

How To Fall In Love With YourSelf
If there is anyone in this life that is absolutely worth loving unconditionally, it is you. When you go through life without a sense of true Self-love, you miss out on a lot. You miss out on opportunities to fully know and understan...
Season 2
Episode 4

Deprogramming Body Shame
We are raised in a fucked up society. We are raised to believe that there is something wrong with us no matter what we look like. We are raised to believe that what, who, and how we are is not enough. We are raised to believe ...

Listening To Your Body’s Hidden Messages
We all have weird days, right? We all have days where we feel off, or not fully connected to our true selves, or disconnected from our bodies. Maybe you have anxiety or are struggling with feelings of hopelessness. Maybe you’re just feeling gen...
Season 2
Episode 2

Body Autonomy
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the first episode of Season 2 of the Cam Kashani show!Today, with everything happening in the world right now, I felt really called to speak about BODY AUTONOMY. This conversation might be difficult for some ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Overcoming Addiction: From Powerless to Powerful
Trigger Warning: Mention of drug use, addiction, and traumaOn the final episode of the first season of the Cam Kashani Show (be back in a few weeks), I want to cover a massively complicated topic, and one that I myself struggled with: Ad...
Season 1
Episode 12

Toxic Relationships & Why We Stay In Them
What is a toxic relationship? As with anything, there is a spectrum of toxicity, but for the sake of this episode, I'm going to define toxic relationships as relationships formed on trauma bonds. Trauma bonds occur when we go throug...
Season 1
Episode 11

Trigger Topic: Sexual Shame
I’ve really been leaning into my divinity and embodying what I have come to call my Sacred Queen, and as a result, feeling inspired to share more of what may typically be triggering. And so this week, that topic is: Sexual Shame.
Season 1
Episode 9

Divorce & Breaking Up: A Path to Empowerment
We all have our shadows, our darker parts that we’re told not to look at. We’re taught to reject darkness, but on the path to healing, we need to accept and love our shadows. We need to embrace our darkness. On that note, today we’r...
Season 1
Episode 8

Boundaries: A Path to Honoring YourSelf
I was never taught boundaries and had to learn my lessons the hard way. Many of you are likely in a similar position. We are taught to be mindful of others, but not ourselves, which results in negativity and resentment towards ourselves, which ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Judging Others Is Judging YourSelf
What is judgment? Judgment is the act of making yourself or others wrong and is only present when we judge ourselves. You see, outer experience is a reflection of your inner reality, so when you find yourself being judgemental, you are also ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Forgiveness is an Act of Self Love
Forgiveness is an act of self-love; it has nothing to do with anyone but yourself. Forgiveness is about releasing yourself from the pain, negativity, and darkness that you have experienced in your life. But, when someone does something that ...
Season 1
Episode 5

NOTHING is ever Personal
Nothing Is Ever PersonalWhat other people do or say has nothing to do with you. When I was a kid, I took everything personally. Probably until my early 30s, when I started doing work on myse...
Season 1
Episode 4

Speaking Up: Owning and Speaking Your Truth
Your truth matters. Your voice matters. Your experience matters. In a society that conditions us - especially women - to stay quiet, it is so important to speak up and own your truth. I didn’t start speaking up for myself ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Body Shame: What it is and how to overcome it <3
Today’s topic is: Body shame. It is everywhere, running rampant, impacting everyone. Body shame is when you deny, hate, or reject any part of your physical being. But, why are we taught to deny, hate, and reject ourselves ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Intro to the Cam Kashani Show, Redefining Beauty, Body and Self
The Cam Kashani Show: Redefining Beauty, Body, and SelfEpisode 1 What is your definition of beauty? Is it one that serves you? Is it one that empowers you and inspires you, or is it one that hinders you and brings you down?...
Season 1
Episode 1